/ Sitecore

Sitecore 9.1 Experience Editor Performance Issue


Experience editor mode the performance is slow. It takes more than a minute to load the page before we can use it. Site loads in 5 seconds and editing is working after 35 seconds it varies. If there are more editors at the same time. We would get page is not responding error in chrome browser.


  1. Investigating the logs there were lot of warnings about the cache size but increasing them didnt help.
  2. Executed Chrome browser network profiler to see if anything is blocking in the client side, noticed the Optimization.SuggestedTests.Counts network call was blocking for 30+ Seconds.


Bug identified in the Content Search FirstOrDefault LINQ method.Thanks to Sitecore support for providing the fix.

  1. Navigate to \sitecore\shell\client\Sitecore\ContentTesting\ShowSuggestedTestsCommand.js file and backup it.

  2. Change the following block:

context.app.canExecute("Optimization.SuggestedTests.Count", context.currentContext, function (testCount) {

Comment this block and add the last line

context.app.canExecute("Optimization.SuggestedTests.Count", context.currentContext, function (testCount) {

  1. Clear the browser cache
  2. Tada issue is resolved

Bug Reference

To track the future status of this bug report, please use the reference number 185485. More information about public reference numbers can be found here: https://kb.sitecore.net/articles/853187

Issue is fixed in SC9.3

Photo by Veri Ivanova on Unsplash